Fotograma del documental Estos muros, que se podrá ver en La Línea le jueves 16 de noviembre.

A conference on the works carried out by the republican prisoners who Franco used as slave labour when the Civil War ended is to take place at the Palacio de Congresos in La Línea de la Concepción on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 November. About 30,000 prisoners from other partsSeguir leyendo…

Cubierta del libro.

Historian and author Fernando Sígler Silvera will be presenting his latest book, ‘El Frente Popular. Ubrique, febrero-julio 1936’, on Thursday 14 December. The event will take place at 7pm at the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios secondary school in Ubrique. The book is part of the History of Ubrique collectionSeguir leyendo…

Cartel de la presentación del libro en Barcelona.

The book ‘La Remonarquía Española’ by journalist and author Jesús Ynfante, which has been published posthumously by the Casa de la Memoria Association and the Forum for the Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar, is to be presented in Barcelona and Madrid next week, on 13 and 15 November respectively.Seguir leyendo…

Asamblea de socias/os celebrada el 7 de octubre de 2023, en la que se aprobó el cese de la directiva saliente y la relación de personas de la nueva junta.

The Casa de la Memoria Association recently elected a new management board, something which takes place every two years in accordance with its statutes.  At the AGM on 7 October, which was held at the Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda in Jimena de la Frontera, the following were appointedSeguir leyendo…

José Netto, con la enciclopedia de Reclus, en la Biblioteca de la Casa de la Memoria.

To speak of José Netto is to refer to a crucial period in the recent history of Gibraltar, because it was he who led the trade union struggle to obtain equal pay for workers on the Rock, bringing them into line with those from the UK. Likewise, he defended theSeguir leyendo…

El vicepresidente del foro, Andrés del Río, en un momento de la asamblea.

The Forum for the Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar has recently elected its new management board and agreed its plans for the near future. Francisco Hidalgo, a history teacher at the Sierra Luna school in Los Barrios, was unanimously elected the new president of the Forum, replacing Andrés Rebolledo,Seguir leyendo…

Integrantes de la Red de Docentes de la Memoria.

On Saturday 26 March the first meeting of the Network of Teachers for Historical Memory took place at the Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda in Jimena de la Frontera. The teachers had come from different places in Andalucía and their aim is for historical and democratic memory to beSeguir leyendo…

Forgotten Places: Barcelona and the Spanish Civil War.

In today’s edition we have news of a route to commemorate victims of Franco in Espera, another mass grave being found in Trebujena, the PSOE accuses right-wing and far right parties of attacking historical memory and there’s a brand new book in English which will delight those with an interestSeguir leyendo…

The route could be Site of Democratic Memory in Spain.

The PSOE socialist party in Málaga has criticised the “right and far right” for retaining symbols which it says are an attack on historical memory. Speaking during the event organized at the Peñón del Cuervo to commemorate La Desbandá 85 years ago, the party’s general secretary, Daniel Pérez, said itSeguir leyendo…