The book ‘La Remonarquía Española’ by journalist and author Jesús Ynfante, which has been published posthumously by the Casa de la Memoria Association and the Forum for the Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar, is to be presented in Barcelona and Madrid next week, on 13 and 15 November respectively.
The first presentation will be at the Espai Assemblea de CC.OO de Catalunya on Monday 13 at 6pm, hosted by historians Margarita García Díaz and Elena Trujillo Petisme, representing the Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda.
In Madrid, the presentation will take place at the UNESCO Club de Amigos (c/San Bernardo 20, 2nd floor) at 7pm, with Margarita García Díaz and Isabelo Herreros.
La Remonarquía Española has been published by the Casa de la Memoria Association, the Forum for the Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar and the Cádiz provincial council’s Historical and Democratic Memory Service.
The book was first launched in April this year at the Palacio de los Gobernadores in San Roque.

Cartel de la presentación del libro en Barcelona.
Cartel de la presentación del libro en Barcelona.