Some good news has just been announced for the Historical Memory movement in Cádiz province: the Diputación de Cádiz has upped its budget for projects in this field in 2024 to a total of 400,000 euros. The decision was announced by Javier Vidal, deputy vice-president of the organisation, at aSeguir leyendo…

El alcalde de Los Barrios, Miguel Alconchel, el concejal delegado de Cultura, Daniel Pérez, y la presidenta de la Asociación Casa de la Memoria, Malgara García.

The Casa de la Memoria Association has signed a cooperation agreement with Los Barrios council, under which they will jointly carry out research, raise awareness and organise events related to the Civil War and its aftermath. The agreement was signed by the mayor of Los Barrios, Miguel Alconchel Jiménez, andSeguir leyendo…