Members of the newly-established Historical Memory Association of Almogía, (Málaga province), visited the Casa de la Memoria recently and were welcomed and given a guided tour by Andrés Rebolledo and Debbie Eade. Of course, everyone who visits our Casa de la Memoria is very welcome, but we are especially delightedSeguir leyendo…

Cubierta del libro.

Historian and author Fernando Sígler Silvera will be presenting his latest book, ‘El Frente Popular. Ubrique, febrero-julio 1936’, on Thursday 14 December. The event will take place at 7pm at the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios secondary school in Ubrique. The book is part of the History of Ubrique collectionSeguir leyendo…

Cartel de la presentación del libro en Barcelona.

The book ‘La Remonarquía Española’ by journalist and author Jesús Ynfante, which has been published posthumously by the Casa de la Memoria Association and the Forum for the Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar, is to be presented in Barcelona and Madrid next week, on 13 and 15 November respectively.Seguir leyendo…

The Forum for Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar and Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda held the book launch for ‘Red Ship and Red Tape – the José Luis Díez and Gibraltar’, at the John Mackintosh Hall in Gibraltar on Friday 17 December. The book, which has been publishedSeguir leyendo…

Irene Pelares, durante la presentación del libro de su padre.

The Cádiz provincial government has published a book by the late Carlos Perales Pizarro, who died in 2018 before it was finished. It was completed by Javier Giráldez Díaz in collaboration with Carlos Perales’ family, and is called Fragmentos de una memoria por recuperar. Alcalá de los Gazules (1931-1939). TheSeguir leyendo…