Historian and author Fernando Sígler Silvera will be presenting his latest book, ‘El Frente Popular. Ubrique, febrero-julio 1936’, on Thursday 14 December. The event will take place at 7pm at the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios secondary school in Ubrique. The book is part of the History of Ubrique collection and has been published by Editorial Tréveris with the collaboration of the local branch of Izquierda Unida.
The book looks at five months of the Popular Front in Ubrique, during the final phase of the Second Republic. This brief but intense period began after the general elections on 16 February 1936, which were won by left-wing parties who planned to continue the reforms introduced during the first years of the republic.
The book focuses particularly on the policies undertaken by the local government during that time, while also looking at social issues and analysing different aspects which complete the picture of that period of history.
The book’s front and back cover have been designed by Manuel Ramírez Ordóñez. The front shows a detail from a painting by Antonio Rodríguez Agüera called ‘Barbarie’, which the artist donated to the village of Ubrique in 2017. (The same artist also donated another painting to the Casa de la Memoria in Jimena de la Frontera, which has been hung in the meeting room there.)
The back cover portrays a crowded meeting at the bullring in Ubrique, in June 1936.
The documentary sources used by the book’s author have primarily been from the very comprehensive Municipal History Archive in Ubrique.

Cubierta del libro.
The book cover.