Irene Pelares, durante la presentación del libro de su padre.

The Cádiz provincial government has published a book by the late Carlos Perales Pizarro, who died in 2018 before it was finished. It was completed by Javier Giráldez Díaz in collaboration with Carlos Perales’ family, and is called Fragmentos de una memoria por recuperar. Alcalá de los Gazules (1931-1939). TheSeguir leyendo…

Ciclo de conferencias "Golpe, guerra y represión".

The cycle of conferences called ‘Golpe, guerra y represión’ which has been organised by the Casa de la Memoria association began on Friday 16 July with an interview with renowned British hispanist and historian Paul Preston. Questions were put to him by the president of the Association, Malgara García Díaz,Seguir leyendo…