On Thursday 30 January we were delighted to welcome students from Westside School in Gibraltar and three of their teachers to the Casa de la Memoria. Andrés Rebolledo and Juanma Pizarro explained the content of the permanent exhibition to them, including the fact that the people of Gibraltar playedSeguir leyendo…

Participantes en el homenaje a las víctimas del franquismo en Cortes de la Frontera.

Representatives of the Forum for the Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar and the Casa de la Memoria Association took part in an event to remember victims of Francoist repression in Cortes de la Frontera on Saturday 4 May. The tribute, which was organised by the Ateneo A Galopar organisation,Seguir leyendo…

Fosa común del cementerio de Jimena de la Frontera.

Archaeologists working at the old cemetery in the castle at Jimena de la Frontera have found another mass grave containing at least five more of Franco’s victims. This is the second phase of the exhumation works, which are financed by the Cádiz provincial government and the Mancomunidad de Municipios ofSeguir leyendo…